We’re improving our categories!
Why can’t I find the category I usually list in?
We’ve revamped our categories to make listing and shopping on the marketplace more intuitive for buyers and sellers. If you are unable to find the right category to list in or are facing any issues, please contact our team.
Will my existing listings or chats be affected due to the category changes?
No, all of your listings and chats will not be affected and will continue to be available to buyers.
Do I need to do anything to my existing listings?
No, your listings will be automatically moved to the new categories (or remain in the same category). You do not need to do anything on your end :)
Will buyers be able to discover my listings after the category changes?
Yes, there is no change to the way buyers discover and chat on listings on Carousell.
Will my listing promotions (Bump, Spotlight, Package Promotion and/or Shoutout) be affected?
No, your listing promotions will not be affected. They’ll continue to be promoted to buyers.