Best Match: Get better and relevant search results with our new search algorithm
A new and improved search algorithm is in town—Best Match.
Best Match is a new search algorithm that strikes a great balance between several factors of an item on the marketplace, such as its relevance to your search term, recency, popularity and quality. This new sort will replace the existing Popular sort algorithm.
How does Best Match work?
Best Match uses advanced machine learning algorithms to drive a better search experience. Few key differences compared to the previous Popular sort search algorithm:
- Showcases more relevant results based on your search terms (reduces non-related/poor results)
- Showcases more new/recent/fresh listings
- Consistency of search results across available sort options (Best match, Recent and Price)
Can the app remember my Sort as Recent, as it did before?
We’ve decided to persist the user's last-preferred sort only within the same search session. A search session is defined as a set of consecutive searches without going back to the ‘Explore’ tab or exiting the app. This has been done so that you can experience better search results and discover more interesting and relevant items with Best Match. While the Recent sort will only give preference to the time an item was listed, Best Match sort will place importance on multiple factors (including recency, relevance, popularity and quality).
How do I improve the ranking of my listings in search results?
The search algorithm will always prioritise listings that are closest to a buyer’s search keyword(s). To help us identify what you’re selling and match it to relevant search results, it’s important to have accurate and specific listing titles, descriptions and have your items listed in the right category. For more tips, check out our Selling Tips article.
With Best Match sort, I’m seeing fewer listings in search results compared to before. Why?
The Best Match sort applies higher relevance criteria, hence you may notice that search results are fewer for certain keyword searches. Nevertheless, you’d experience richer and more satisfying shopping experience with high quality and relevance of your search results.
I just purchased a Bump/Spotlight, will they appear under Best Match sort?
Yes, they will!
If you have any feedback regarding our new search algorithm, feel free to share them with us.