[Taiwan] How does the shipping process work with 7-ELEVEN?
Once an offer has been made by you, the seller will have 3 days to begin the shipping process. If the seller does not tap on "Start Delivery" within 3 days from receiving the offer, the order will be cancelled automatically.
Upon accepting the offer, the seller will have to input the sender's information, email and the e-receipt information. and have 4 days to ship out the item. If the shipping code doesn't get utilized within 4 days, it will expire and the order will be cancelled.
If all goes well and the seller successfully ships out the item, it will take 7-ELEVEN up to 2 days to deliver the item to the buyer's store. Once your item has reached the designated 7-ELEVEN store, you'll receive a notification to inform you that your item is ready for collection!
You have 7 days to pick up the item. To collect your item, you will be required to provide the name and the last 3 digits of the mobile number that you have entered in your order detail, along with your payment for the item.
For verification purposes, you may be required to provide your ID so be sure to have your ID with you as well!