[Philippines] CarouBiz tools: Custom Collections
Custom Collections are like folders on your profile, for you to showcase your promotions, new arrivals, best sellers and more! You're entitled to 6 Custom Collections when you subscribe to CarouBiz.
How do I create Custom Collections?
After subscribing to CarouBiz, you will see 'Create a collection' button on your own profile page. Tap on that button and you'll be able to start curating your own collection.
Custom Collection creation is only available on the app at the moment. Our team is working hard to make this feature available on the web as well!
Why do I not see my Custom Collection live on my profile page?
Custom Collections can either be in 'Draft' or 'Active' status. Ensure that you have marked the Collection as 'Active', and they will be viewable by others when they come to your profile page. 'Draft' Collections are not live and they are not viewable by others.
Can I re-order my Collections?
At the moment, it's not possible to rearrange them. You may edit the collection as a way to move it up for now!
Can I choose which listings to be on the cover of the Collection?
It is currently randomised to give your listings some opportunity to surface every now and then, hence it's not possible to choose the listings to be on the cover.
Can I re-order the listings in the Collection?
Not at the moment, this is a function that we're looking to have in the future!
How many listings can I add to a Custom Collection?
You may add as many listings as you like! However, we recommend you to add not more than 200 listings to maximise the effectiveness of your collection.