[Hong Kong] Category-based quota for all categories
Quota refers to the number of listings you can create or mark as active. Sellers will be given free quota in each category upon every refresh period, varying between one to two months. For instance, sellers will have 30 free quotas in the Women's Fashion category every 2 month.
By doing so, we aim to encourage quality listings and reduce listing spam in the marketplace, making it easier for buyers to find what they want. Now that buyers can find the item they want faster, sellers benefit too!
Updated as of Feb 2025
Autos, Property & Services quota will be migrated to this model from 9th Jul onward. More updates here.
Category quotas are non-transferrable and can only be used within the category.
How does the refresh window work?
Your free quota refreshes on the same day of each month.
For example, the first date of your quota consumption was on 8th Jan 2024, your refresh date will be on the 8th of the month:
- Women's fashion category quota refreshes every 2 month. This means that you will have 50 quota refreshed every 2 months on 8 Mar, May, Jul, etc.
- Cars for sale category quota refreshes every month. This means that you will have 1 quota refreshed every month.
You can check the actual date of your quota refresh in the quota management page through "Manage listings".
Will my listings expire?
Only listings in some categories (Cars, Property and Services) expire once they are past their validity period. Listings in categories that have unlimited validity do not expire — they’ll remain visible to buyers until you mark them as sold or delete them.
For example, if you list in the ‘Cars for sale’ category (30-day listing validity), your listing will be active for 30 days from the day you list it. If you don’t renew it, it’ll expire and buyers will no longer see it on the Marketplace.
If you bump or spotlight the listing, its listing’s validity will be refreshed and it will remain active for 30 days from the day you bumped/spotlighted it.
How do I know that my listing is about to expire?
On your ‘Manage listings’ page, you’ll see a banner on your listing 7 days before it expires. Once your listing expires, it’ll be moved to the ‘Inactive’ tab.
Can I set my listings to not expire?
To make sure your listings don’t expire and remain visible to buyers, all listings are set to be auto-renewed. As long as you have enough listing quota, your listings will be renewed automatically.
If you don’t want your listing to be renewed automatically, simply mark the listing as reserved or sold before it expires.
When I change a category of my listing, will it consume quota?
Yes, quota of the new category will be consumed. There will be no quota returned for your previous listing category. If there is no quota left for the new listing category, listing will be marked as inactive.
Will my quota be freed up if an active listing is sold/deleted/marked as inactive?
Deleting or marking a listing as sold/reserved does not free up the used quota. Recategorising your listing from one category to another does not free up the used quota in the former category as well.
Will my unused quota accumulate?
Unused quota will not accumulate.
If the free quota is unused, it will reset to the original number of free quota on the next refresh date.
For paid additional quota that is unused, it will be removed upon expiry. There will be no extensions for these quotas.
Can I transfer my quota to other categories?
Each quota is allocated to a specific category and is not transferrable across categories.
What if I want to list more than the allocated amount of quota for the category?
There are 3 options for you:
- Wait for your free quota refresh every 2 months
- Subscribe to Caroubiz to receive a multiplier benefit on your free quota (except for Cars category) along with other premium seller tools - you may refer to our CarouBiz article for more details
Purchase additional custom quota for specific categories - you may refer to our custom quota article for more details
What happens when my listing is active or inactive?
Listings can be either active, inactive, reserved or sold.
Active | Buyers can see these listings, make an offer or start a chat with you. Only active listings can be found and promoted on the marketplace. |
Inactive |
Listings that exceed quota will not be shown when buyers search or browse. You’ll not receive new chats or offers for them. |
Sold/ Reserved | Listings that you’ve marked as sold or reserved can be seen on your profile, but buyers can no longer make an offer or chat with you. |