Carousell's Counterfeit Policy
Carousell respects the intellectual property rights of others. The sale of fake products, replicas or counterfeits and the creation of any content that violates any intellectual property rights is illegal and prohibited on Carousell’s mobile application and website (collectively, the “Platform”).
Counterfeit goods will be taken down and the accounts selling counterfeit goods will be subject to a range of enforcement actions, including restrictions and permanent suspensions to the accounts. It is each seller’s responsibility to list and sell only authentic products. If you suspect a product’s authenticity, report it.
Together we can:
- create a safe Platform where Carousellers are protected from purchasing counterfeits or unauthorised goods; and
- protect rights holders from copyright or trademark infringements.
What is considered to be a fake, replica or a counterfeit good?
Replicas or counterfeit goods are fake items deliberately made to look genuine or intended to be taken as authentic. These can include items such as clothes, bags, watches, perfume, cosmetics, unauthorised copies of software and any other electronic items and can also include any listing with a false or misleading description of what the item truly is.
Can I avoid infringement by stating clearly on my listing that the product is a replica or imitation/not authentic?
No. Simply disclosing that your product is not genuine does not absolve you from intellectual property infringement or offences relating to counterfeiting.
Why should I avoid buying counterfeit goods?
There are many potential risks involved with buying fake goods:
You could be breaking the law;
Your safety could be at risk;
Fake goods can often be of bad quality and unsafe. For example: Counterfeit electrical goods are not put through the same vigorous safety checks as the legitimate ones and are often very dangerous.
- You could be funding an organised crime;
Proceeds from selling counterfeit goods could be used to fund other types of serious organised crime.
- You could be affecting genuine businesses.
Buying counterfeit goods affects legitimate businesses as counterfeit sales drive the profits away from genuine manufacturers.
What should I do if I see a listing with a counterfeit item?
Encountering infringement of your intellectual property rights is never a pleasant thing, and we respect the intellectual property rights of our Carousellers. If you suspect that someone else’s/your intellectual property rights have been infringed, here's what you can do: Report the infringement to Carousell - You may wish to report an infringement of your rights to us, by following the detailed steps at How do I report a user/listing? or How can I report an infringement of my rights?