These standard terms and conditions (these “Terms”) for Carousell for business subscriptions (“CarouBiz Subscriptions”), shall govern your access and use of the additional features on the website, mobile applications and services (collectively, the “CarouBiz Services”) provided by Carousell (as defined below). Such CarouBiz Services may be provided via a subscription service on or via any of the Carousell mobile applications and/or website, including all its features and content and the services that Carousell makes available on or through them, and any and all updates, upgrades, supplements, enhancements and releases thereto as may be provided by us from time to time (the “Platforms”) or any of the methods as may be made available on the Platforms or as may be notified to you from time to time.
These Terms applies to all users of the CarouBiz Services, including without limitation users who are sellers, buyers, merchants, or contributors of content, information and other materials. If you are entering into this agreement for and on behalf of a business entity, and the term “you” in these Terms shall mean the business entity on whose behalf you are using the Services, unless the context does not permit.
By using the CarouBiz Services in any manner, including but not limited to visiting or browsing the CarouBiz Services, you agree to observe and be bound by these Terms, the Carousell terms of service and the additional terms and conditions and policies referenced herein and/or available by hyperlink.
Carousell reserves the right to change or modify these Terms at any time. You will be deemed to have agreed to the amended Terms by your continued use of the CarouBiz Services following the date on which the amended Terms are posted here. New features that we add to our CarouBiz Services are subject to these Terms.
If a modification materially reduces your rights, we will notify you of such material changes (by, for example, a text message, email to the contact details associated with your account; or on our Platforms). If you do not agree to such modification, you may terminate your use of our CarouBiz Services or request us to terminate the provision of our CarouBiz Services to you. By continuing to use our CarouBiz Services after the modification comes into effect, you are agreeing to be bound by the modified Terms.
If you have any questions, please contact our Support team here.
1. 使用旋轉拍賣商務版服務 Use of CarouBiz Service
1.1. 在您遵守本條款的情況下,旋轉拍賣授予您非專屬、不可移轉、不可轉讓、全球通用、有限制的權利,僅得為了您自身內部商業目的,並僅得依據本條款之約定,使用您已經訂購和付費之旋轉拍賣商務版服務。除提前終止外,本條授權在有效期間(定義如下)內有效。旋轉拍賣及其授權方保留本條款中未明文授予您的所有權利。
1.1. Subject to your compliance with these Terms, Carousell grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-assignable, worldwide, limited license to use our CarouBiz Services that you have ordered and paid for solely for your own internal business purposes only in accordance with these Terms for the Term (as defined below), unless earlier terminated. All rights not expressly granted to you in these Terms are reserved by Carousell and its licensors.
1.2. 您使用旋轉拍賣商務版服務應遵守本條款,而且不應從事下列行為:
1.2. You shall use the CarouBiz Services in accordance with these Terms and shall not:
1.2.1. 將旋轉拍賣商務版服務文件和相關紀錄(例如賣家成效分析報告)使用在您自身使用旋轉拍賣商務版服務或您自身內部商業目的以外的其他用途;
1.2.1. use our CarouBiz Services documentation and the applicable CarouBiz Services documentation (such as the seller’s insights report) for any purpose other than in connection with your use of our CarouBiz Services and your internal business purposes;
1.2.2. 違反任何與使用旋轉拍賣商務版服務相關的法律、規則或規範;
1.2.2. violate any applicable laws, rules or regulations in connection with your access or use of the CarouBiz Services;
1.2.3. 使用旋轉拍賣商務版服務來建立或宣傳與旋轉拍賣商務版服務有直接或間接競爭關係,或可以取代旋轉拍賣商務版服務的產品、服務或軟體;
1.2.3. use the CarouBiz Services to create or promote a product, service or software that is, directly or indirectly, competitive with or in any way a substitute for the CarouBiz Services or any services, products or software offered by Carousell;
1.2.4. 使用旋轉拍賣商務版服務來傳送自動、未經請求或未經授權的訊息、廣告、宣傳內容、垃圾郵件或連環信;
1.2.4. use the CarouBiz Services to send automated, unsolicited or unauthorised messages, advertising or promotional material or any junk mail, spam or chain letters;
1.2.5. 使用網路爬蟲、機器人、網路蜘蛛、網路抓取或任何用來存取、獲得、複製或監控任何旋轉拍賣商務版服務、資料或內容的自動化裝置或方法;
1.2.5. use any scraper, robot, bot, spider, crawler or any other automated device or means to access, acquire, copy or monitor any portion of the CarouBiz Services, or any data or content found or access through the CarouBiz Services;
1.2.6. 未經平台用戶同意即蒐集他們的資料;
1.2.6. collect any information in respect of users of the Platforms without their consent; and
1.2.7. 採取任何避免支付費用和/或手續費的行為;以及
1.2.7. commit any act to avoid paying any applicable fees and/or charges; and
1.2.8. 授權或鼓勵任何人採取上述任何行為。
1.2.8. authorise or encourage anyone to do any of the foregoing.
1.3. please also take the time to read the additional terms and conditions, as set out in Clause 11 of Carousell’s terms of service that will apply when you choose to purchase Carousell Coins which may be used to pay for certain services.
1.3. 請務必閱讀旋轉拍賣服務條款第11條所載之其他條款,這些條款適用於可以使用於購買特定服務上的旋轉幣。
2. 內容 Content
2.1. 旋轉拍賣商務版服務允許您刊登商品訊息,並分享和客製化相片、影片、評論、數據、文案和其他資訊等內容(「內容」)。
2.1. The CarouBiz Services allow you to create listings and share and customise content, such as photos, videos, comments, data, text and other information (“Content”).
2.2. 您瞭解並同意您必需對您在本服務或透過本服務發布或分享的所有內容負起全責,因這些內容造成的任何損失或損害均屬您的責任。您對於您在旋轉拍賣商務版服務上傳或分享的內容保有所有權,但您授予旋轉拍賣在全球各地、已全額付費、免再支付權利金、可以轉授權和可移轉的權利,可以為了營運、發展、提供、宣傳和改善旋轉拍賣商務版服務和研究發展新產品和服務之目的,聚集、儲存、使用、展示、重製、修改、改作、編輯、發行和散布這些內容(受旋轉拍賣隱私權政策限制)。
2.2. You understand and agree that you are solely responsible for the Content that you post or share on or through the Services and any loss or damage which you sustain as a result of such Content is solely your responsibility. You retain ownership rights in the Content which you upload or share on the CarouBiz Services but you grant Carousell a worldwide, fully-paid, royalty-free, sub-licensable, and transferable licence to host, store, use, display, reproduce, modify, adapt, edit, publish and distribute such Content (subject to Carousell’s Privacy Policy) for the purpose of operating, developing, providing, promoting, and improving the CarouBiz Services and to research and develop new products and services.
2.3. 您進一步確認,旋轉拍賣不會事前審查用戶上傳的內容。旋轉拍賣保有裁量權(但無義務),可以拒絕、刪除或移動任何旋轉拍賣商務版服務的任何內容。除前述規定外,旋轉拍賣有權在下列任何情況下移除內容,並且不因此承擔責任或退款義務:
- 內容違反本條款;
- 旋轉拍賣收到內容侵權的投訴或通知;或
- 內容令人反感。
2.3. You further acknowledge that Carousell does not pre-screen Content uploaded by users. Carousell shall have the right (but not the obligation) in its sole discretion to refuse, delete or move any Content that is available on the CarouBiz Services. Without limiting the foregoing, Carousell shall have the right to remove Content, without liability or the obligation to offer a refund, in any of the following events:
- If the Content is in breach of these Terms.
- If Carousell has received a complaint or notice of infringement in respect of the Content.
- If the Content is otherwise objectionable.
Carousell may also block Content and the delivery of a communication (including, without limitation, feedback, postings, messages and/or chats) to or from the CarouBiz Services as part of efforts to protect the CarouBiz Services or users, or to otherwise enforce these Terms.
3. 智慧財產 Intellectual Property
You acknowledge and agree that the CarouBiz Services and all copyright, patents, trademarks, trade secrets and other intellectual property rights associated therewith are, and shall remain, the property of Carousell. Furthermore, you acknowledge and agree that the source and object code of the CarouBiz Services and the format, directories, queries, algorithms, structure and organization of the Services are the intellectual property and proprietary and confidential information of Carousell. You are not granted any intellectual property rights in and to the CarouBiz Services not expressly granted in these Terms and such rights are hereby reserved and retained by Carousell.
4. 費用及付款 Fees and Payment
4.1. 您的旋轉拍賣商務版訂閱方案將從第一個月/第一年(依情況而定)起,持續於每月/每年自動續訂,直到您明確通知我們您希望終止旋轉拍賣商務版訂閱方案。在每一週期的訂閱期間屆滿前,您都可以隨時透過帳戶內的「設定」提出終止。終止會在下一個旋轉拍賣商務版訂閱方案週期開始時生效。除非旋轉拍賣另有說明,否則旋轉拍賣商務版訂閱方案的任何續訂都將按照當時的訂閱條款來辦理。
4.1. Your CarouBiz Subscriptions will continue and be renewed automatically on a monthly/yearly basis after the first month/year (as the case may be) until you expressly instruct us that you wish to terminate your relevant CarouBiz Subscriptions at any time through the “Settings” section of your Account, but before the expiration of the applicable then current subscription period. The termination will take effect in the following cycle of your CarouBiz Subscriptions. Unless otherwise stated by Carousell, any renewal of your CarouBiz Subscriptions will be on the then prevailing subscription terms thereof.
4.2. 您瞭解並同意在訂閱和定期付款的情況下,您應該確保所有款項在每個月和/或每年定期付款到期日前由您的銀行付清。以信用卡付款的情況下,您的信用卡必需有良好信用並維持有效才能成功扣繳月費/年費。在付款失敗的情況下,若款項未在付款到期日後的10日內付清,您的旋轉拍賣商務版訂閱方案會自動被停權和/或終止。
4.2. You acknowledge and agree that in the event of a subscription or recurring payment, you shall ensure that all payments are made and cleared by your bank before each monthly and/or annual recurring payment is due. For payments by credit card, your credit card account must be in good standing and remain valid for the monthly/annual charge(s) to be debited successfully. In the event of an unsuccessful payment, your CarouBiz Subscriptions will automatically be suspended and/or terminated if payments are not received within ten (10) days from the due date.
4.3. 在平台上或其他地方,任何旋轉拍賣商務版服務和/或旋轉拍賣商務版訂閱方案的費用顯示錯誤,將由旋轉拍賣斟酌情況,進行下列處理:
4.3. In the event that any fee for any CarouBiz Service and/or CarouBiz Subscriptions is stated erroneously on the Platform or otherwise, as determined in the discretion of Carousell, Carousell:
4.3.1. 旋轉拍賣沒有義務依照錯誤的費用提供旋轉拍賣商務版服務和/或旋轉拍賣商務版訂閱方案給您;並且
4.3.1. is not obliged to provide the CarouBiz Service and/orCarouBizs Subscriptions to you at the erroneous fee; and
4.3.2. 旋轉拍賣有權透過向您通知錯誤和正確費用來修正錯誤;
4.3.2. shall be entitled to rectify such error by giving you notice of the error and of the correct fee,
if you do not agree to make payment of the correct fee after being notified, you may terminate theCarouBiz Service and/orCarouBiz Subscriptions and Carousell shall refund any fees paid by you to Carousell on a pro-rated basis for the remaining and unexpired portion of the Term for such CarouBiz Service and/or CarouBiz Subscriptions, as your sole remedy;
4.4. 除上述第4.3條約定外,您支付給我們的所有關於旋轉拍賣商務版訂閱方案和/或使用旋轉拍賣商務版服務的訂閱費和其他費用和/或手續費(「旋轉拍賣費用」)皆無法退款。為免疑義,旋轉拍賣費用在以下情況均不退還:(i) 您的旋轉拍賣帳戶(「帳戶」)因為違反本條款遭到停權或終止;和/或 (ii) 內容已根據旋轉拍賣服務條款遭到移除。
4.4. Subject to Clause 4.3 above, all subscription fees and/or other fees and charges (“Carousell Fees”) paid by you to us with respect to your CarouBiz Subscriptions or otherwise for your access to and use of the CarouBiz Services, are non-refundable. For the avoidance of doubt, there will be no refunds of any Carousell Fees in the event that: (i) your Carousell account (“Account”) is suspended or terminated due to a breach of these Terms; and/or (ii) any Content has been removed in accordance with Carousell’s Terms of Service.
4.5. 您應該在我們指定的付款到期日前(如適用),依據我們的付款指示,全額且即時支付所有的旋轉拍賣費用。若您遲延付款或未付款給旋轉拍賣,在不影響我們的其他權利和救濟的情況下,旋轉拍賣有權:(i) 終止和/或暫停您的帳戶、您的旋轉拍賣商務版訂閱方案和/或使用旋轉拍賣商務版服務的權限; 和/或 (ii) 依照遲延付款費用,按每月利率1.5%或法律允許的最高費率(以較低者為準)計算遲延付款罰金。您應該連同逾期支付的旋轉拍賣費用,加上旋轉拍賣因為追討遲延付款而產生的法律費用和成本,一併支付遲延付款罰金給旋轉拍賣。遲延付款罰金自付款到期日的隔天開始按月計算至遲延費用付清為止。
4.5. You shall make prompt payment of all Carousell Fees, in full before the due date stipulated by Carousell for such payment (where applicable) and in accordance with our payment instructions. In the event of late payment or non-payment of amounts due to Carousell, without prejudice to any other rights or remedies available to us, Carousell shall be entitled to: (i) terminate and/or suspend your Account, your CarouBiz Subscriptions and/or your access to the CarouBiz Services; and/or (ii) charge you a late payment fee on the overdue amount at the rate of 1.5% per month, or, if lower, the maximum rate allowed by applicable law. You shall pay such fees together with the overdue Carousell Fees and any legal fees and collection costs incurred by Carousell in collecting any past due amounts. This fee will be applied on the day after the payment due date and will be applied each month until the overdue amount is paid.
4.6. 若您的帳戶因任何原因被停權或終止,帳戶內所有款項會立即到期,您應立即付款。旋轉拍賣保留權利可以透過您正在使用的付款方式立即收取您先前未提出爭議的款項並終止您的帳戶,而不影響我們的其他權利和救濟。
4.6. In the event your Account is suspended or terminated for any reason, all amounts due on your Account will immediately become due and payable. Carousell reserves the right to immediately charge any amounts you have not previously disputed to the billing method that you are using and shall be entitled to terminate your Account, without prejudice to any other rights or remedies available to us.
4.7. 您應該為使用和透過旋轉拍賣商務版服務進行銷售活動負責收取和繳納相關稅金。依照您居住國家的稅法,除了您的費用外,可能還有商品和服務稅或是類似的消費稅。
4.7. You are responsible for collecting and paying any taxes associated with using and making sales through the CarouBiz Services. Depending on the tax legislation of your country of residence, goods and services tax or similar consumption tax might apply in addition to your fees.
4.8. 您保證您有權利透過已提交給旋轉拍賣的信用卡和/或其他付款資訊購買旋轉拍賣商務版訂閱方案。若付款未經授權,旋轉拍賣保留權利可以暫停或終止您使用旋轉拍賣商務版訂閱方案和/或旋轉拍賣商務版服務。若旋轉拍賣未收到付款授權或任何付款授權嗣後被取消,旋轉拍賣有權立即終止或暫停您使用旋轉拍賣商務版訂閱方案和/或旋轉拍賣商務版服務。
4.8. By submitting credit card and/or other payment details to Carousell, you warrant that you are entitled to purchase the CarouBiz Subscriptions using those payment details. In the case of unauthorised payments, Carousell reserves the right to suspend or terminate your access to the CarouBiz Subscriptions and/or CarouBiz Services. If Carousell does not receive payment authorisation or any authorisation is subsequently cancelled, Carousell may immediately terminate or suspend your access to the relevant CarouBiz Subscriptions and/or CarouBiz Services.
5. 服務水平 Service Levels
5.1. 除下述情況外,我們會盡商業上合理努力維持旋轉拍賣商務版服務每天24小時、每週7天運作:(i) 預先排定維護、升級和更新的停機時間,我們會盡商業上合理努力在至少24小時前通知;或者 (ii) 因為任何無法控制的情況而無法預期的停機,包含天災、政府行動、水災、火災、地震、內亂、恐怖攻擊、罷工或其他勞工問題、電腦、硬碟、通訊設備、網路供應商或主機設備故障、電力短缺和阻斷服務攻擊。
5.1. We will make commercially reasonable efforts to keep our CarouBiz Services operational 24 hours a day and seven days a week, except for (i) planned downtime for maintenance, upgrades and updates for which we will use commercially reasonable efforts to provide at least 24 hours prior notice; or (ii) unplanned downtime caused by any circumstances beyond our control, including acts of God, acts of government, flood, fire, earthquake, civil unrest, acts of terror, strikes or other labor problems, failures in computers, hardware, telecommunications, internet service provider or hosting facilities, power shortages and denial of service attacks.
5.2. 旋轉拍賣保留權利,可以提前10日通知您後,修改、暫停和/或終止旋轉拍賣商務版訂閱方案及其功能或服務、訂閱期間、費用的全部或一部。
5.2. Carousell reserves the right to amend, suspend and/or terminate all or any part of any CarouBiz Subscriptions, the types of features or services offered on, the subscription period and rates for such CarouBiz Subscriptions, with at least ten (10) days prior notice to you.
5.3. 若旋轉拍賣修改、終止或撤銷任何旋轉拍賣商務版服務和/或旋轉拍賣商務版訂閱方案的營運,旋轉拍賣可以選擇(但無義務)按比例退還您支付給旋轉拍賣的未到期餘款,或提供任何同等或等值的替代方案,並應因此被視為已經完全滿足最初設想將提供的服務和義務。若終止或撤銷訂閱或服務重大縮減您的權利,我們會通知您這些重大變動(例如透過手機簡訊、與您帳戶聯結的電子郵件,或在平台上公告)。若您不同意這些修改、終止或撤銷,您可以終止旋轉拍賣商務版服務或請求我們終止向您提供旋轉拍賣商務版服務。若您於修改、終止或撤銷條款生效後持續使用旋轉拍賣商務版服務,代表您同意接受這些修改、終止或撤銷。
5.3. In the event that Carousell amends, terminates or withdraws the operation of any CarouBiz Services and/or CarouBiz Subscriptions, Carousell may at its option (but is not obliged to) refund any fees paid by you to Carousell, on a pro-rated basis for the remaining and unexpired portion of the term for such specific and relevant service and/or CarouBiz Subscriptions or provide any equivalent or equal value alternative, which shall be deemed full satisfaction of the said service and obligation as originally contemplated. If any such termination / withdrawal materially reduces your rights, we will notify you of such material changes (by, for example, a text message, email to the contact details associated with your account; or on our Platforms). If you do not agree to such amendment, termination or withdrawal, you may terminate your use of our CarouBiz Services or request us to terminate the provision of our CarouBiz Services to you. By continuing to use our CarouBiz Services after the amendment, termination or withdrawal comes into effect, you are agreeing to accept such amendment, termination or withdrawal.
6. 無擔保 No warranty
6.1. 您瞭解並同意旋轉拍賣商務版服務係在「按現況」和「現有」的基礎上提供,並且您對旋轉拍賣商務版服務的使用與信賴、透過其存取或獲得的任何內容、商品或服務,皆需由您自行承擔風險,並由您自行斟酌裁量。
6.1. You acknowledge and agree that the CarouBiz Services are provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis, and that your use of or reliance upon the CarouBiz Services and any content, products or services accessed or obtained thereby is at your sole risk and discretion.
6.2. 儘管我們盡力,旋轉拍賣商務版服務或功能可能不定期遇到技術或其他問題,並且可能中斷。旋轉拍賣無法聲明或保證:(a) 使用旋轉拍賣商務版服務是安全、即時、不間斷或無錯誤的,或者可以與任何其他硬體、軟體、系統或數據相容或共同運作;(b) 旋轉拍賣商務版服務會符合您的要求或期待;(c) 旋轉拍賣商務版服務中的錯誤或缺陷會被更正;或 (d) 旋轉拍賣商務版服務和旋轉拍賣的伺服器沒有病毒或其他有害成分。
6.2. Despite our efforts, our CarouBiz Services or any functionality may from time to time encounter technical or other problems and may not continue uninterrupted. Carousell does not represent or warrant that: (a) the use of the CarouBiz Services will be secure, timely, uninterrupted or error free or that they will be compatible or operate in combination with any other hardware, software, system or data; (b) the CarouBiz Services will meet your requirements or expectations; (c) errors or defects in the CarouBiz Services will be corrected; or (d) the CarouBiz Services and Carousell’s servers are free of viruses or other harmful components.
6.3. 旋轉拍賣商務版服務可能會因為使用網路和電子通訊設備(包含您使用的電腦或電子裝置)而遭受其固有的限制、延遲和其他問題。旋轉拍賣不為任何因為上述問題而導致的遲延、無法傳送、損害或損失負責。
6.3. The CarouBiz Services may be subject to limitations, delays, and other problems inherent in the use of the Internet and electronic communications (including problems inherent to the computer or electronic device you use). Carousell is not responsible for any delays, delivery failures, damages, or losses resulting from such problems.
6.4. 所有條件、聲明和保證,無論明示、暗示、法定或其他,包括但不限於適銷性、符合特定效用和不侵權等任何默示擔保,在法律允許的最大程度下特此排除和免責。
6.4. All conditions, representations and warranties, whether express, implied, statutory or otherwise, including, without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement, are hereby excluded and disclaimed to the fullest extent permitted under the law.
6.5. 從旋轉拍賣或旋轉拍賣商務版服務獲得的任何口頭或書面建議或資訊不能作為聲明、擔保或保證。除此之外,您瞭解旋轉拍賣沒有義務支援或維持旋轉拍賣商務版服務。
6.5. No advice or information, whether oral or written, obtained by you from Carousell or from the Services shall create any representation, warranty or guarantee. Furthermore, you acknowledge that Carousell has no obligation to support or maintain the CarouBiz Services.
7. 隱私權 Privacy
7.1. 旋轉拍賣非常重視您的隱私權,您可以閱讀說明我們如何處理隱私權的旋轉拍賣隱私權政策。請閱讀隱私權政策以瞭解旋轉拍賣如何蒐集、利用和揭露向您蒐集和接收的資料。
7.1. Your privacy is very important to us at Carousell and we have provided the Carousell Privacy Policy, which can be found here, to explain our privacy practices. Please review the Privacy Policy to understand how Carousell collects, uses and discloses information collected and received from you.
8. 其他條款 Miscellaneous
8.1. 若您違反本條款,旋轉拍賣有權在通知或不通知您的情況下,限制、暫停或終止您的旋轉拍賣商務版訂閱方案,無需向您承擔進一步義務或責任。
8.1. Carousell reserves the right to restrict, suspend or terminate your CarouBiz Subscriptions if you breach any of these Terms, with or without notice and without further obligation or liability to you.
8.2. 若本條款和旋轉拍賣服務條款中與旋轉拍賣商務版訂閱相關的條款有任何歧義或不一致,應以本條款為準。
8.2. In the event of any dispute over any difference or inconsistency between these Terms and the Carousell terms of service, in relation to your CarouBiz Subscriptions, these Terms will prevail.
8.3. 簽約主體如下:
8.3. The contracting entities are set out below:
8.3.1. 若你從新加坡使用和訂閱旋轉拍賣商務版服務,本條款為您與Carousell Pte Ltd間的約定。
8.3.1. Singapore. If you are accessing the CarouBiz Services from Singapore, these Terms are between you and Carousell Pte Ltd.
8.3.2. 若你從香港使用和訂閱旋轉拍賣商務版服務,本條款為您與Carousell Limited間的約定。
8.3.2. If you are accessing the CarouBiz Services from Hong Kong, these Terms are between you and Carousell Limited.
8.3.3. 若你從馬來西亞使用和訂閱旋轉拍賣商務版服務,本條款為您與Mudah.my Sdn Bhd [200701024583 (782603-V)] - 旋轉拍賣集團旗下公司間的約定。
8.3.3. If you are accessing the CarouBiz Services from Malaysia, these Terms are between you and Mudah.my Sdn Bhd [200701024583 (782603-V)] - A Carousell group company.
8.3.4 若你從菲律賓使用和訂閱旋轉拍賣商務版服務,本條款為您與Carousell-Ph, Inc間的約定。
8.3.4 If you are accessing the CarouBiz Services from the Philippines, these Terms are between you and Carousell-Ph, Inc.
8.3.5. 若你從台灣使用和訂閱旋轉拍賣商務版服務,本條款為您與旋轉拍賣有限公司間的約定。
8.3.5. If you are accessing the CarouBiz Services from Taiwan, these Terms are between you and Carousell Ltd.
8.4. 您茲此同意,本條款應以新加坡法律為準據法,因本條款而生或與其相關的爭議,以新加坡法院為非專屬管轄法院。
8.4. You hereby agree that the laws of the Republic of Singapore shall govern these Terms hereby submits to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Singapore in relation to any disputes arising out of or in connection with these Terms or its subject matter.
9. 旋轉拍賣商務版免費試用(台灣市場不適用) CarouBiz Free Trial (Not applicable to Taiwan market)
9.1 旋轉拍賣可能視情況延長您的免費試用。若您加入我們的30天免費試用(「旋轉拍賣商務版30天免費試用方案」),可以在提交您的付款資訊以啟用試用期間後的30天內(「免費試用期間」)使用4種旋轉拍賣商務版方案(如這裡所載)的任何一種。當您這麼做時,代表您同意本條款及本條(第9條)之額外條款,並同意我們依照旋轉拍賣隱私權政策使用您的付款資訊。
9.1 Carousell may also, in its discretion, extend free trials to you. If you have opted for our30-day CarouBiz free trial (the "30-day CarouBiz Free Trial"), it entitles you access to any one of the four CarouBiz plans (as set out here) for a period of thirty (30) days from the moment that you activate such trial period by submitting your payment details (the "Free Trial Period"). By proceeding, you accept these Terms and the additional terms in this clause 9 and consent to us using your payment details in accordance with our Privacy Policy.
9.2 若您在旋轉拍賣商務版免費試用方案失效後決定不訂閱旋轉拍賣商務版服務,您必需在免費試用期間內取消訂閱(操作說明可按這裡)。您只能使用一次旋轉拍賣商務版30天免費試用方案。若您違反本條款,旋轉拍賣有權限制、暫停或終止您的任何試用或旋轉拍賣商務版30天免費試用方案。
9.2 If you decide that you do not want to become a paying user of the CarouBiz Services upon the lapse of the Free Trial Period, you have to Cancel your subscription (instructions for this can be foundhere) by the end of the Free Trial Period. You may only use this 30-day CarouBiz Free Trial once.Carousell reserves the right to restrict, suspend or terminate your access to any trial and/or the 30-day CarouBiz Free Trial in the event of a breach of these terms.
9.3 旋轉拍賣有權隨時撤銷、修改和/或改變旋轉拍賣商務版30天免費試用方案的條款和條件全部或任何部分,無需事先通知或以現金或其他方式補償。
9.3 Carousell reserves the right to withdraw, amend and/or alter any part of or the whole terms and conditions of any free trials and the 30-day CarouBiz Free Trial at any time without giving prior notice or compensation in cash or in kind.
中文版最後更新日期 2023年1月19日
English version last updated on 16 February 2021