[Singapore] Luxury Bags & Wallets Certified Partner Programme
How can I be part of the Certified Partner Programme?
Certified Luxury listings are quality, pre-loved luxury items that have gone through authenticity checks from professional service providers with expertise in luxury brands, and are regarded as experts in authenticating luxury products across elements such as serial numbers, material and hardware. Buyers who purchase under Certified can be assured that they are buying original luxury items with the highest quality standard.
If you have/are:
- Consistent and good supply of quality luxury bags/wallets that fall under our list of luxury brands,
- Rigorous authentication procedure and checks for all your luxury products,
- Strong believer of great experience for your customers,
do indicate your interest in this Google Form: https://forms.gle/T4TnBdDxjxErDfem7
Our team will get in touch with you if you’re eligible for the programme.
What support will I get from Carousell as part of the Certified Partner Programme?
As a Carousell Certified Partner,
- You have stronger credibility and buyers have more trust in your products
- You will get:
- Higher quality discovery experience by buyers
- Exclusive partner cover profile picture for your Carousell account
- Inclusion in on-platform marketing campaigns, materials, collaterals
- Inclusion in off-platform media coverage and marketing channels
- Promotions for platform tools
- Exclusive access to value-added services
- Buy Now Pay Later services that is widely adopted and preferred by buyers
- Preferential rates for shipping
- First dibs on potential new services/features
- Performance insights and analysis
- Unlimited listings for free