[Malaysia] Shipping: How to ship with PosLaju on Carousell?
Step-by-Step: How to ship with Poslaju on Carousell?
1. On the sell form, enable 'Buy' button by selecting List with 'Buy' button.
2. Enable delivery under deal method, and select Carousell official delivery (Poslaju)

3. When you receive an order, tap on 'Start Delivery' to accept and proceed. You need to tap on 'Start Delivery' and mail out the parcel by the cut-off date shown on the Order details page, else your order will be cancelled.

4. You will need to add your address to proceed. This will serve as your return address if the parcel cannot be delivered to your buyer. If you have a return address already saved, you may select from the list available.

Note: If your shipping address exceeds 50 characters, you may see an error message saying, "Something went wrong." To avoid any issues with shipping, please ensure your address stays under 50 characters and avoid repeating phrases.
5. Remember to check and pack your items securely in acceptable packaging! You may refer to package guidelines below.
5. Print the shipping label once you have reviewed your drop-off details. You can find it from your drop-off guide under 'View shipping label'

6. Attach the printed label securely to your parcel and drop off your parcel at the nearest Pos Malaysia or Poslaju office. No payment is required from you.
7. The tracking should be updated in-app once you have drop-off your parcel. You can track the parcel from your Order details page. You will be notified as well in Updates tab once your order has been delivered.