Certified Luxury (Bags & Wallets)
Certified Luxury listings are quality, pre-loved and/or brand new luxury items that have undergone a robust multi-step verification process by professional third-party service providers with expertise in authenticating luxury products. Buyers who purchase under Certified Luxury can be assured that they are buying authenticated luxury items of high quality.
1. Authenticated by professional third-party service providers
From stitchings to heat stamps, Certified Luxury items have been rigorously checked for authenticity, and their condition is as described in the listing.
The authentication process is performed independently by our professional third-party service provider or Carousell Certified Partners and is not endorsed by or affiliated with any of the brand owners.
While Carousell does not provide a full guarantee of authenticity, we are committed to ensuring that our professional third-party service providers and Carousell Certified Partners uphold the highest standards in their authentication process. Most importantly, Carousell commits to a full Money-Back Guarantee* in the event that you are able to prove that an item you have received is significantly not as described and/or not authentic. We are also dedicated to providing exceptional customer support to address any concerns that you may have.
*Subject to certain terms and conditions, kindly refer to Section 2 below for more information.
2. 7-day Return and Money-Back Guarantee
All Certified Luxury (bags & wallets) purchases are eligible for 7-day returns and a money-back guarantee in the event that the item is proven to be significantly not as described and/or found to be inauthentic by the brand owner.
Note: An item purchased during private viewing and/or where the deal method involves a meet-up does not qualify for a return on the basis that the item is significantly not as described.
Simply raise a return request easily with one tap on the Order details page. You will see the option to raise a return request once the Seller ships the item. Learn more about our returns policy here and how to raise a refund request here.
The returns will be facilitated and the pick-up cost will be borne by Carousell.
3. Carousell Certified Partners
Carousell Certified Partners are reputable industry experts with years of experience in their respective fields. In order to qualify as a Carousell Certified Partner under Certified Luxury, the Seller will be required to satisfy Carousell’s due diligence process where Carousell verifies the Seller’s identity to ensure that it meets the required threshold. Carousell’s due diligence process includes, amongst others, a pre-screen of the Seller’s business registration profile, brand reputation based on customer reviews, and checks on past violations of Carousell’s terms, policies and/or guidelines. We trust them to maintain the same high standards that we hold ourselves to.
Carousell is in no way affiliated with Carousell Certified Partners. Carousell and each Carousell Certified Partner are independent contractors and neither party has authority to make any representations or commitments on behalf of the other. Any goods, services and/or information provided by Carousell Certified Partners are without warranties of any kind by Carousell, and under no circumstances shall Carousell be responsible or liable for any claims and/or damages arising from such goods, services and/or information.