Request Carousell sellers to disclose the business name and tax ID on your personal page [Taiwan]
In order to enhance the transparency of online transactions and make it easier for consumers to identify relevant information about sellers and business entities, the Ministry of Finance has amended the "Regulations Governing Taxation Registration" and related regulations, stipulating that the business name and tax ID of the business should be clearly disclosed on the website and APP from January 1, 2023.
If you are an online seller who meets the requirements of "profit-seeking, purchasing and selling goods, and selling goods or services through the Internet", once the monthly sales exceed NT$80,000 for goods(NT$40,000 for services), you must immediately register with the National Taxation Bureau or make change for tax registration. The new registration items include "the domain name and the IP address" and "the member account". Please also disclose your "Business Name" and "Tax ID" in your personal profile on Carousell, so as not to be punished or penalized by the National Taxation Bureau.
If you have any questions, please contact the National Taxation Bureau through toll-free service hotline 0800-000-321.
How to disclose my business name and registration on the Carousell platform?
-Step 1: Click the tool in the upper right corner of the profile
-Step 2: Edit file
-Step 3: Update your profile with your "Business Name" and "Tax ID"
-Step 4: Information will be displayed on the “about you” page
For more detailed information, please refer to: 112.1.1 New Online Transaction Tax Registration Area or Online Seller Tax Care Station
Self-inspection form of goods or services sold online (QR-Code):